Mobile Home Energy Efficiency Tips

This article was originally posted at

06/06/2018 By Crystal Adkins


The best way to increase energy efficiency is to limit the air that is allowed into the home. Air leaks are not obvious, you'll need to actively search around for cracks, crevices, and other places that air can enter.

Using caulk to fill the crevices and cracks is recommended. Caulk has flexibility and makes it great for small areas around non-movable spaces.

Seal Heating Ducts

The most recommended method of reducing energy consumption is to seal air leaks in the heating ducts under the home. Use acrylic mastic tape to cover the seams.

Insulating your water pipes is also great for energy conservation.


Another method of limiting air leaks in the home is with weatherstripping. Weatherstripping works well around movable parts like windows and doors.

Remove the Air Conditioner in the Winter

A window air condition unit is convenient for the warm months, but not so great for the cool. It's best to remove the air conditioner completely during the winter months.

If you can't remove the unit, use weatherstripping and an insulated air conditioner cover to limit the air leaks.

Heating System Maintenance

It's recommended that everyone have their furnace or heating units regularly maintained and cleaned by a professional.

Clean or replace the furnace filters often. Vacuum the vent ducts and install a programmable thermostat so you can schedule the unit for lower temperatures while you are away.

Windows and Doors

Replacing old windows and doors are a great way to increase energy efficiency in your home. While this is expensive, you may be able to recoup your costs within a few short years.

Plus, windows are one of the best improvements you can make to your home. It updates both the interior and the exterior of the home.

 Unplug Electronics

If you aren't using an item, unplug it. We use more electricity for items that are shut off but still plugged in than items in use.